January 2025 Update
The Garden is located at 8658 W. Washington Street, Indianapolis, IN – see on map
Check back with us soon for the 2025 growing season.
Garden Plot deposit & fee – $50.00
West Side Community Garden 2025 Covenant
- Meet and get to know your garden plot neighbors. Share ideas.
- Children must be under parental control.
- No pets allowed in gardens.
- Weeds must be controlled. They steal valuable fertilizer and water from vegetables!
- Owners of plots with overgrown weeds (8” or higher) will be given notice. If no owner action is taken in 14 days, the owner will forfeit their $25 deposit to pay for mowing the plot and the lease considered dissolved.
- Harvesting vegetables from neighboring plots is stealing.
- Keep your plot neat and free of trash. There are no trashcans. Don’t be a litterbug.
- There is a 2-plot maximum per family. Each plot will require a $25 Deposit and a $25 Fee. The deposit will be applied to the next year if the plot is cleaned up totally by October 21, 2025.
- Got a gardening question? Call the Marion County Master Gardener’s hotline at 317-275-9305.
- The garden growing season ends October 21, 2025. Please remove all garden stakes, plant cages, string etc. by this date. You will forfeit your $25 deposit if someone else has to clear your plot of non-plant materials.
- MSD of Wayne Township and Chapel Rock Community Development are not responsible for accidents or the weather.
- There will be NO selling goods or services on the garden property.